Charlotte Motorcycle Accident Lawyer

Charlotte is a charming town located in Mecklenburg County, North Carolina, just southeast of Charlotte. With a population of over 30,000, Charlotte offers a mix of small-town charm and big-city amenities. The town boasts a strong local economy, excellent schools, and a variety of parks, lakes, and nature preserves. Charlotte is also home to a number of festivals and events throughout the year, making it a vibrant and welcoming community for residents and visitors alike.

Motorcycle accidents are common in Charlotte, North Carolina. Here is some general information about motorcycle accidents in North Carolina:

  • Number of accidents: According to the North Carolina Department of Transportation, there were approximately 126,000 motor vehicle crashes in North Carolina in 2020.
  • Causes of accidents: Some of the most common causes of motorcycle accidents in North Carolina include distracted driving, speeding, and driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol.
  • Injuries and fatalities: In 2020, there were over 68,000 people injured in motor vehicle crashes in North Carolina and over 1,400 fatalities.
  • High-risk areas: Certain areas in North Carolina tend to have higher rates of motorcycle accidents, including urban areas and intersections with high traffic volume.
  • Prevention: To help reduce the number of motorcycle accidents in North Carolina, it’s important to always follow traffic laws, wear seat belts, and avoid distractions while driving. Additionally, state and local agencies are working to improve road design and infrastructure to make roads safer for drivers, cyclists, and pedestrians.


If you get involved in a motorcycle accident in Charlotte, North Carolina, try to take certain steps immediately to protect yourself and your legal rights. The car insurance company overseeing your claim will search for reasons to deny or diminish your benefits, such as an admission of guilt or a delay in seeking medical care. What you do (and don’t do) after an accident can affect your ability to recover financial compensation for your losses. If you can, take the following steps:

  • Pull over at the scene of the crash. Never flee the scene of an accident without stopping.
  • Check yourself and anyone else involved in the accident to find out if there are any injuries.
  • Report the motorcycle accident and any injuries to the police by calling 911 right away.
  • Exchange contact and insurance information with the other driver(s). 
  • Don’t admit fault for the motorcycle accident to the other driver or the police.
  • Write down a description of the other car, as well as its VIN and license plate numbers.
  • See a doctor for medical attention for your injuries immediately.
  • Contact your car insurance company to report the crash as soon as possible.
  • Contact a Charlotte motorcycle accident lawyer before accepting an insurance settlement.

It’s important to note that motorcycle accidents can have serious consequences for those involved, including physical injuries, property damage, and financial losses. If you or a loved one have been involved in a motorcycle accident in Charlotte, North Carolina, it’s important to seek the assistance of a qualified attorney to ensure that your rights and interests are protected.


Identifying the cause of your motorcycle accident is generally one of the first steps toward obtaining financial compensation in North Carolina. North Carolina is a fault car insurance state, meaning the at-fault party will be the one that lawfully must pay for your losses. The party that caused your accident may have to pay for your medical bills, motorcycle repair or replacement, lost income, noneconomic damages, and more. One or more parties could share fault for your injuries.

  • A driver. If a negligent or distracted driver crashed into your motorcycle, his or her insurance provider may owe you for your damages. A driver may cause an accident by texting and driving or other form of distracted driving, driving drunk, speeding, breaking roadway rules or ignoring a motorcyclist’s right-of-way.
  • A roadway. Motorcycles are vulnerable to even minor roadway defects. If a pothole, loose gravel, rubble, storm debris, an unsafe construction site, grass clippings or another roadway defect caused your motorcycle wreck, you could have a case against the City of Charlotte for failing to properly maintain its roads.
  • A vehicle part. If your motorcycle experienced a tire blowout, brake failure, electrical problems, or another type of auto defect that caused your accident, the motorcycle manufacturer could owe you financial recovery through the laws of product liability.

Most motorcycle accident cases are tort claims. A tort claim seeks to hold the party that committed negligence or wrongdoing (a tort) accountable for the victim’s damages. Your Charlotte motorcycle accident attorney will need to prove the defendant caused your accident for you as the injured rider to obtain compensation based on tort laws. A qualified Charlotte motorcycle accident lawyer at Burts Law, PLLC may be able to help you prove your case as a motorcycle rider, starting with determining fault.


At Burts Law, PLLC, our Charlotte, North Carolina motorcycle accident lawyer handles personal injury and wrongful death cases for people in Charlotte and throughout North Carolina. Since our founding, we have built a record for success, recovering damages for our clients. Our mission has been, and always will be, to meet the needs of our clients by striving for the best possible outcome in their case.

In addition to handling personal injury and wrongful death cases, our work also includes workers’ compensation cases in Charlotte, North Carolina. As a result, we are uniquely prepared to address the needs of people injured in motorcycle accidents while working on the job. Our law firm knows how to negotiate and litigate all types of motor vehicle accidents, from pedestrian collisions to fatal commercial trucking crashes.


Some people asked why it’s important to hire a motorcycle accident attorney if they are injured in Charlotte, NC. There are many things to consider when determining whether to hire an auto accident lawyer for your Charlotte, NC accident:

  • The big picture: vehicle accidents are a leading cause of personal injury in the United States, and they can have serious consequences for those involved. If you or a loved one have been injured in a motorcycle accident, it’s important to understand your rights and options for seeking compensation.
  • The impact of motorcycle accidents: Motorcycle accidents can result in a wide range of physical and emotional injuries, including broken bones, head and neck injuries, and whiplash. In addition, motorcycle accidents can also result in long-term disabilities, such as spinal cord injuries and traumatic brain injuries.
  • The role of negligence: In many motorcycle accident cases, the at-fault driver may be considered negligent, meaning that they failed to exercise reasonable care and caused the accident. In order to be eligible for compensation, you must be able to prove that the at-fault driver was negligent.
  • The importance of evidence: Gathering evidence is critical in motorcycle accident cases, as it can help establish negligence and support your claim for compensation. This may include eyewitness statements, police reports from the Charlotte Police Department, medical records, and photographs of the scene.
  • Seeking compensation: Depending on the circumstances of your accident, you may be entitled to compensation from the at-fault driver or their insurance company. This compensation may include payment for medical expenses, lost past and future wages, emotional distress, and pain and suffering.
  • The role of a personal injury attorney: A personal injury attorney can help you navigate the legal process, negotiate with insurance companies, and protect your rights. An attorney can also help you understand your options for seeking compensation and provide guidance on what steps to take next.


Yes. At Burts Law, PLLC, our Charlotte motorcycle accident lawyer operates on a contingency fee basis. This means we collect our fees as a percentage of the settlement or judgment award won. You never have to pay for our services out of pocket. If you don’t win your case, you won’t owe us anything for attorney’s fees!

Since contingency fees take the costs of a motorcycle accident lawyer out of the equation, the real question becomes – can you afford not to hire a motorcycle accident lawyer? Without a lawyer protecting your rights, you are at risk of a car insurance company taking advantage of you. Insurance companies have significant resources to put toward fighting liability for motor vehicle collisions – meaning you could walk away with much less than you deserve. 


A hit-and-run accident is one in which the at-fault party does not stick around to fulfill his or her legal duties of care, including taking financial responsibility for the crash. In a hit-and-run case, you may not know how to proceed with a damage claim since you do not know the identity of the at-fault driver. Luckily, your own auto insurer may offer a solution instead. Our Charlotte motorcycle accident lawyer can guide you through the process.



If you or a loved one have been injured in a Charlotte, North Carolina motorcycle accident, it’s important to take action to protect your rights and seek the compensation you deserve. With the help of a qualified personal injury attorney, you can ensure that your rights are protected and that you receive the compensation you need to recover from your injuries and move forward. Call us today at (866) BURTS-LAW or (704) 751-0455 anytime and we will be glad to speak with you for a free personal injury consultation.

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Dasia Ballas
Awesome person. Thank you Anthony!
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