Federal Drug Charges

Facing Federal Drug Charges in Charlotte, NC?

Many drug crimes may be punishable under state or federal law, or possibly even both. Burts Law, PLLC. represents clients facing federal drug charges in Charlotte, throughout North Carolina and nationwide, as well as state drug charges in North Carolina. Federal drug charges are particularly serious because they most often involve felony offenses like drug trafficking, distribution and import/export on an interstate or international level.

The penalties for drug crime convictions in federal court are also more severe than those in state courts, as the federal sentencing guidelines are harsh and federal judges may have little or no leeway in providing reduced or alternative sentencing.

Under investigation? You don’t have to face the FBI or DEA alone.

Generally speaking, the most serious drug crimes, and those which are most often investigated and prosecuted by federal agencies (the FBI, DEA, etc.), are those involving international or interstate smuggling and trafficking or those involving large amounts of Schedule I or II substances—which are considered to be the most dangerous of all controlled substances.

Examples of Schedule I and Schedule II drugs include:

  • Marijuana
  • Heroin
  • Cocaine
  • Methamphetamines

Under investigation? You don’t have to face the FBI or DEA alone.

Generally speaking, the most serious drug crimes, and those which are most often investigated and prosecuted by federal agencies (the FBI, DEA, etc.), are those involving international or interstate smuggling and trafficking or those involving large amounts of Schedule I or II substances—which are considered to be the most dangerous of all controlled substances.

Examples of Schedule I and Schedule II drugs include:

  • Marijuana
  • Heroin
  • Cocaine
  • Methamphetamines

Penalties for Federal Drug Crimes

A conviction for a federal drug crime may result in penalties as extensive as life imprisonment, heavy fines, probation and much more; however, specific penalties will vary depending upon the type of drug, the amount, the offense itself and federal sentencing guidelines.

Contact Our Charlotte Federal Drug Crime Lawyers Today

You need a competent Charlotte federal drug crime attorney by your side if you are facing federal drug charges. By consulting a lawyer at Burts Law, PLLC, you can learn more about your rights and options so that you can make a well-informed decision about your case and legal counsel. Your initial consultation is free, and the firm takes on federal drug crime cases in Charlotte and all throughout the U.S.

Contact a Charlotte federal drug crime attorney at Burts Law, PLLC today for the aggressive representation that you deserve. You can reach the firm by calling or filling out a case evaluation form.

Our comprehensive legal team will also defend you against charges which include:

Contact us today at (866) 287-8752.

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